Wednesday, February 17, 2010


For the past several weeks I have been seeing billboards, fliers, and huge banners stretched across intersections featuring the face of John Maxwell; leadership guru and author extraordinaire. I've read his books, and chances are, you have too. Especially if you hold any type of leadership position anywhere. I will admit that he has some good stuff to say. For example "A great leaders courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position." Now that is definitely a statement, a nugget, if you will of wisdom that I can get behind, agree with and believe in. What I cant get behind is someone like Maxwell who has a lot of influence and a lot of knowledge to share using that influence to take advantage of people.
Case in point: the billboards, fliers and banners that I've see all over town are advertising a ONE day "values based leadership conference" featuring the great John Maxwell for SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND KENYAN SHILLINGS
Thats little less than Nine hundred USD. $900.00. For a one day conference.
This price is ridiculous anywhere, but in a third world country? In a country where the average citizen barely feeds his family for about a dollar a day? Its more than ridiculous.

It is wrong.

The small business owners, the pastors, the directors of children's homes, the people who need something like this, the ones who care enough to actually make a difference and sacrifice everyday in this country. The people he should be targeting are the very ones who after years of saving would still not be able to afford this conference.
It makes me angry and I wonder why he is doing it. It cant be to help Kenya because like I said, the very Kenyans who need it cant afford it. So why? to make money? to be famous in more countries than just the U.S.?
I love this country. She is flawed and has much to overcome, but I love her. I want her best and I want her people to learn how to stand on their own.

He is a leader. But I no longer see any value in what he has to say. or sell.

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