Friday, December 18, 2009


6th of November, 2009

Once upon a time, in a land over the ocean; a land teaming with wild life and rich in culture and beauty, there lived a group of children. These were no ordinary children. Although their short lives had been characterized by difficulty and grief they were children who had been marked by the hand of God. For although they had faced the harshness of life on earth, their hearts were pure and their gifts many. They had been given the gift of a life started over, the gift of a safe place to sleep and a full stomach, the gift of a new day and most importantly, the gift of Joy. Joy found in each other, in this new life they had bee given, and in music.
You see, they loved music. They loved to sing and to dance and because they had been given these incredible gifts, and because their lives were harder than most, they enjoyed this past time and found more pleasure in it than most. Like those who have been given incredible gifts, they delighted in sharing theirs with others.
They had heard of a home of retired x-pats who needed some music in their lives so they put on their good clothes, piled into the van and drove to the other side of the town to share their gift.

The children's performance sparkled. Their voices pure, their faces, smiling. The joy of the "oldies" was evident in their laughter, and smiles and clapping hands. When the music part of the performance was over the children mingled with the residents of the retirement home impressing the old folks, and bringing more laughter with them. Their job was done, their gifts shared. They drank sodas and played with sparklers and laughed and talked and reminded us all again how good life is.

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